This site will post communications directed to the Roane Community Advisory Group (CAG) as they are received in order to keep the community affected by the TVA ash dike failure fully informed.

General information regarding the CAG and relevant public documents are posted at the CAG website.

Friday, February 26, 2010

To Roane County Community Advisory Group

February 26, 2010

1. On February 25, on behalf of the CAG, S. D. Simon requested a map showing the location of all air and water sample locations. The maps were provided by Email to Mr. Simon and the CAG on the same day. In addition, the maps were enlarged and will be delivered to the CAG at the March 4 meeting. These maps and others are available at the following TVA/ EPA websites.

· Air monitors

Time Critical map

2. Mr. Simon also requested river bottom mapping locations of where and how much ash is yet to be removed from the river. The river bottom mapping location of where and how much ash is yet to be removed from the river is currently in draft form. It will be released, along with the dredging schedule, when it is finalized.

3. Heavy equipment operating in the gypsum stilling pond disturbed an overflow pipe that connects the main gypsum pond to the stilling pond. While neither pond is in use, the disturbance allowed a very small amount of rainwater to seep along the outside of the pipe (rather than inside the pipe as designed) into the stilling pond. Repairs are underway and should take less than a week.

4. Repair work on the dredge located in the cove adjacent to several Swan Harbour residences is expected to be completed within the next few days. After the repairs are made and the dredge begins operating it will begin moving south and will soon be out of this area. We apologize for any disturbances this work has caused.

5. The offsite utility work to install a 10” waterline between I-40 and Swan Pond Road crossing continues. The portion of the work affecting travel along Swan Pond Road is projected to be completed in May. The contractor is attempting to minimize impact from the work as much as possible and will continue to only close one lane of traffic to vehicles and clean up any remaining construction debris each day after work is completed.

Attached is a copy of the Kingston Ash Recovery Project Weekly Report. Please give Katie or me a call if you have any questions.

Jane Greenwalt

Project Manager, Community Outreach

Tennessee Valley Authority

Kingston Ash Recovery Project

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