This site will post communications directed to the Roane Community Advisory Group (CAG) as they are received in order to keep the community affected by the TVA ash dike failure fully informed.

General information regarding the CAG and relevant public documents are posted at the CAG website.

Friday, November 19, 2010

To the Roane County Community Advisory Group November 19, 2010

To the Roane County Community Advisory Group
November 19, 2010
Update on Ash Shipping

As of Wednesday, November 17, 404 trains have shipped approximately 3.9 million tons of ash to the Arrowhead Landfill in Alabama.  We are still on schedule to complete shipping by early December. 

Skimmer Wall Reconstruction

The last of three caissons for reconstruction of the Skimmer Wall has been poured and six of eight concrete panels have been set.  Installation of the beams is scheduled for completion on Friday.  After this work is completed the Skimmer Wall will be operational.  Caps are to be placed next week.

MACTEC Demobilization Plan Approved 

The demobilization plan for MACTEC, the ash loading contractor, has been approved by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and has been posted to the administrative record.  MACTEC will continue its planning for demobilization and will have fulfilled its contract by mid-December.  The contractor will be off the site soon after. 

Utility Installation Along Swan Pond Circle Bridge 

Installation of utilities on Swan Pond Circle Bridge is to be complete by mid-December.  Utilities on the approaches to the bridge are complete and the contractor is expected to begin utility installation on the bridge by November 29.   During this installation one lane of the bridge may be closed intermittently. 

New Haul Road Complete 

The new haul road running under the Swan Pond Circle Bridge is complete.  Workers will begin using the haul road to remove ash from the northern embayment next week.

Thanksgiving Holiday

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday and short work week, we will not have a weekly update next week but will provide one the following week.   We extend our best wishes to members of the CAG for a wonderful Thanksgiving!

If you have any questions please call Katie Kline or me at 717-1645.

Jane Greenwalt
Project Manager, Community Outreach
Tennessee Valley Authority
Kingston Ash Recovery Project
Office:  865.717.1645
Cell:  865.806.7688

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

To the Roane County Community Advisory Group November 10, 2010

To the Roane County Community Advisory Group
November 10, 2010

Swan Pond Circle Bridge is Open!!
The new Swan Pond Circle Bridge opened today.   Over the next two weeks one lane of the bridge will be closed intermittently as workers complete utility installation.  Removal of the bypass road will begin immediately.

Skimmer Wall Reconstruction 
Crews are scheduled to pour the last of the three concrete caissons for the reconstruction of the skimmer wall on Friday, November 12.  The original wall was destroyed during the ash spill.  The reconstruction project is 65% complete.

Update on Shipping
To date 397 trains have been loaded and over 3.8 million tons of ash have been transported to the landfill in Uniontown, Alabama.

If you have any questions please give Katie Kline or me a call at 717-1645.

Jane Greenwalt
Project Manager, Community Outreach
Tennessee Valley Authority
Kingston Ash Recovery Project
Office:  865.717.1645
Cell:  865.806.7688

Friday, November 5, 2010

To the Roane County Community Advisory Group November 5, 2010

To the Roane County Community Advisory Group
November 5, 2010

In response to questions posed by members of the CAG to TVA in preparation for the subject meeting, the following answers were provided.

Q.  Amount of ash left in Emory River

A.  Leo and Craig have covered this multiple times and a link was sent to the CAG to view the areas of the river with ash. There has been no change and the river EE/CA will address any remaining ash in the river.  TVA has agreed to conduct a shoreline assessment of ash over the winter.
Q.  Treated sewage water discharge status in Emory River
A.   TDEC was notified last week by Harriman Utility contractor that the plant has connected to the repaired 20" effluent line and is now discharging to their permitted discharge point. 
Q.  Status of extra rail crossings on Swan Pond Rd after ash removed to Alabama
A.  Following the end of time critical ash shipping, the extra rail crossing will not be used, but there is not a plan to remove it at this time.
Q.  Update on completion of train shipments to Alabama
A.  Shipping of time critical ash will end in early December.
Q.  Status of bridge opening
A.  The bridge is projected to open no later than Wednesday, November 10, due to delay of the guardrail company.
Q.  Status on pilot project of the barrier wall
A.  The report was emailed to the CAG on Wednesday, November 3, 2010.  A Request for Proposal has been issued for a contractor to perform the Deep Soil Mixing Project.  Bids are to be submitted by November 22, 2010.
Q.  When will the next public meeting be held (before or after holidays)?
A.  After the holidays - early 2011
Q.  Estimated date for completion on the OSC report that is being drafted?
A.  March, 2011
Q.  Structural integrity evaluation for East Dike will come out when?
A.  The East Dike structural integrity evaluation is currently being reviewed by TVA.  Following that, it will be submitted to the regulators, and once it’s approved, it will be made available to the public.
Q.  Were there any samples taken during the latest storm events and when will those results be made public?  
A.  Samples were taken for both the October 24th and 26th storm events.  These will be posted with other surface water data approximately 30 days after the samples were taken.
Q.  Plans for repaving Swan Pond Rd, Swan Pond Circle Rd, and Hassler Mill Road
A.  Late Spring of 2011.  The roads have extensive patching, but if we wait until late spring 2011, much of the heavy truck traffic will be finished, the patches from the utility and other work will have time to settle, and winter impacts will be over. 
Q.  Expectations on the amount of continued dump-truck and heavy equipment traffic in the area
A.  TVA committed to no more than 50 trucks a day and we are sticking to that. A best guess average per day is 30 - 35, but there are days we will be over and under that number.
Q.  Any comments or feedback from TVA relating to requests presented by residents at the Sept 21st   Swan Pond Community Town Hall Meeting
A.  No more than what we said then.  We still have a lot of work to do, however, we will certainly take the community’s feedback into consideration for any future plans.
Additional information provided to the CAG:

Restart of the Scrubber
In response to a question from CAG member Steve Scarbrough concerning the start up of the scrubber following the planned outage, Fossil Plant management is continuing to identify maintenance items and after that will finalize the schedule.  The date for the restart of the scrubber will be provided as soon as the schedule is complete.

No Hunting Signs to be Posted

Due to safety concerns for nearby Kingston site remediation workers, beginning Monday, November 8, “NO HUNTING” will be allowed on the island out from Dike C during the 2010-2011 Waterfowl Hunting Season, and signs reflecting this will be posted.  TVA does not want any of the workers performing buttressing work on Dike C to be the recipient of an errant bullet.  Signs posted on the island will notify the constructors of the duck blinds located there that they should remove them by December 1 or TVA will remove them.

Coast Guard Resets Permanent Channel Markers

The U. S. Coast Guard removed temporary channel markers and reset the permanent channel markers in the Emory River today up to about ERM 3.

Ash Pile Near Swan Pond Circle By-pass
Ash was temporarily stacked near the by-pass road so that a near-by trench could be cleaned out. It will be moved back and flattened out over the weekend, if not before.

Jane Greenwalt
Project Manager, Community Outreach
Tennessee Valley Authority
Kingston Ash Recovery Project
Office:  865.717.1645
Cell:  865.806.7688

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

To the Roane County Community Advisory Group November 3, 201

To the Roane County Community Advisory Group
November 3, 2010

Scrubber to Resume Operation
The Kingston Fossil Plant scrubber will resume operation on Thursday, November 3, after being out of service since October 4 to replace a transformer.   It will go into an outage again on December 18 for additional maintenance.  The State is aware of the restart tomorrow.

Deep Soil Mixing Pilot Project Report
Attached is the deep soil mixing pilot report.  Since that pilot, the design has changed some, the bid has gone out, a pre-bid meeting has been held, and bids are due back in around the end of November.  Also, TVA has brought in the Corp of Engineers to advise us since they have done extensive deep soil mixing projects in New Orleans and other places.

Jane Greenwalt
Project Manager, Community Outreach
Tennessee Valley Authority
Kingston Ash Recovery Project
Office:  865.717.1645
Cell:  865.806.7688

Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010 To Members of the Roane County CAG

November 1, 2010
To Members of the Roane County CAG:

Good morning.  In order to not close Swan Pond Circle Road from 8 – 3 on Tuesday for paving, TVA looked into paving at night. That would delay the project 2 – 3 more weeks due to the fact that the company doing the paving has other commitments.  However, that company has revised their work sequence and schedule to help us minimize the disruptions this week.

They will pave the west side of the bridge on Monday, November 1.  This will not require closure of Swan Pond Circle Road on Monday, except for minor one lane closures.  On Tuesday, November 2, they will pave the east side of the bridge.  They will work from the bridge east to Swan Pond Circle Road & Berkshire Road and not close the road until they are ready to make the connection. This will occur late morning-early afternoon on Tuesday, November 2, and full closure of the road will be minimized as much as possible.  We think less than 1-2 hours, if that.  They will position a flagman at the intersection of Swan Pond Circle Road & Lakeshore to divert traffic when closure is for any extended time.  

The company’s guardrail subcontractor will perform their work by only shutting down one lane at a time from Tuesday-Friday, with the full road open by Friday.

Please contact Jane Greenwalt or me with any questions.


Katie Bell Kline
General Manager
Kingston Support Services
Tennessee Valley Authority
(Office) 865-717-1668
(Mobile) 865-621-8125