This site will post communications directed to the Roane Community Advisory Group (CAG) as they are received in order to keep the community affected by the TVA ash dike failure fully informed.

General information regarding the CAG and relevant public documents are posted at the CAG website.

Friday, April 9, 2010

River Mile 5 - 6

To Roane County Community Advisory Group
April 09, 2010

North Embayment Ash Consolidation Work to begin
The Work Plan for the consolidation of ash from two outlying areas in the North Embayment to a more centralized area where it can be dried and graded has been approved, and work is expected to begin within two weeks and will continue until all the ash has been consolidated.  The ash will be placed atop the existing ash in the North Embayment.  Air monitoring station 6 will be relocated to the north to better serve the area, and hand-held monitoring will be used and coordinated with EPA and TDEC.

Mechanical dredging to begin between Emory River miles 5 and 6
Letters are being sent to residents living in the area between Emory River miles 5 and 6 to notify them that mechanical dredging in this area is expected to begin the week of April 12.   A small amount of ash has been found that can only be removed by mechanical dredging from a barge.  The work is essential to a thorough cleanup of the river.  We expect that about four barge loads of material will be removed each day and that this work will continue around the clock for about four weeks.  Every effort will be made to position our equipment and adjust our activities to minimize disturbance from the noise that is unavoidable with this type of work.

If you have any questions, please give Katie Kline or me a call.

Jane Greenwalt
Project Manager, Community Outreach
Tennessee Valley Authority
Kingston Ash Recovery Project
Office:  865.717.1645

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