To the Roane County Community Advisory Group
December 9, 2010
Reconstruction of Skimmer Wall Complete
The final pours of three caisson caps for the Skimmer Wall are complete which finishes the reconstruction of the original Skimmer Wall that was destroyed by the ash spill.
Contractors Demobilize
The work of two contractors at the recovery project is finished and both are in the process of demobilizing. MACTEC, the contractor responsible for ash loading, has a target date of December 17 to complete demoblization. Aquarius Marine, LLC, the contractor hired by TVA to reconstruct the Skimmer Wall is scheduled to be demobilized by the end of December.
Utility Installation
Work to install utilities along Swan Pond Circle Bridge continues requiring one lane of the bridge to be closed intermittently. We appreciate the patience of drivers who cross the bridge and hope to have the work complete within the next couple of weeks.
If you have any questions, please call Katie Kline or me on my cell phone at 806-7688.
Jane Greenwalt
Project Manager, Community Outreach
Tennessee Valley Authority
Kingston Ash Recovery Project
Office: 865.717.1645
Cell: 865.806.7688