March 16, 2009
Update from the Kingston Fly Ash Recovery Site
To Members of the Roane County CAG:
TVA Will Build By-pass for Swan Pond Circle Road just north of the plant
As part of the continuing cleanup efforts at the Kingston ash spill recovery site, employees will begin work on the Swan Pond Embayment restoration. In an effort to remove ash from the embayment safely and efficiently, TVA will build a bridge on the current road with plans to haul ash out under the bridge, thereby keeping trucks off of the road.
In order to build the bridge, TVA will need to route traffic off of the current road. We will soon be building a by-pass road just off of the current Swan Pond Circle Road so that traffic does not have to go completely around the Circle. The by-pass road will be constructed first, followed by construction of the bridge. The bridge construction work is expected to take about 6 – 8 weeks. When the bridge work is complete, the by-pass road will be removed and Swan Pond Circle Road will be reopened.
TVA to Temporarily Close One Lane of Swan Pond Circle Road
In order to ensure adequate stability of the embayment area for heavy equipment use during the removal of the ash and additional road construction, TVA will conduct drilling on and around Swan Pond Circle Road.
While conducting this work, beginning the week of March 21, one lane of a small section of Swan Pond Circle Road will be closed during working hours for two to three days. Road signs and road crews will direct traffic to protect vehicles on the road and workers performing the drilling operations. At the end of each workday, all equipment will be moved from the roadway, and two-lane traffic will be restored.
Wet to Dry Ash Storage
As you are now aware, there is a public meeting tonight to discuss a conversion from wet storage of coal ash to dry storage. There will be some site preparation work beginning on the south end of the plant site in the next week. You may see trucks hauling rail ties and other materials to appropriate disposal sites. We will update you as we receive more information on this project.
Road Closings to Reduce Significantly
The rail spur construction on the Ash Recovery Site is almost complete. As of today, about 60% of the road closings due to railcar switches have been eliminated and all closings due to switching will be eliminated by the end of the week. Only full and empty ash and coal trains will cause road closings on Swan Pond Road going forward. These typically run in the early morning and in the evening.
Please don’t hesitate to call Katie Kline or me with any questions.
Jane Greenwalt
Project Manager, Community Outreach
Tennessee Valley Authority
Kingston Ash Recovery Project